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Surf Tracker - Version 1.3

posted on 2007-04-17 14:45:19
by [NATO]Hunter


[b][size=20]Surf Tracker Addon v1.3[/size][/b] [b]Updated on 01.05.2007[/b] [color=red][b]This ScriptAddon requires Mattie's Eventscripts v1.5.0.164a or higher![/b][/color] [b][size=18]Description:[/size][/b] Tracks the time you need for a surf map. Supports toplists and playerstats. Supports an administration interface to edit the zones. [b][size=18]Features:[/size][/b] * Players can lookup their own stats by saying [b]!surfstats[/b]. * Players can lookup the stats of other online players by saying [b]!surfstats [/b]. * Players can lookup the best players on a map for all teams or for a single team by saying [b]!surfstats top [CT/T/Spec][/b]. * Top does support topX syntax. eg. top7, top12, top21, ... * Announces new maprecords. * Admins can setup zones for any surf map, type [b]!zone_admin[/b] in chat. [b][size=18]Requirements:[/size][/b] * Mattie Eventscripts [i]([url=][/url] +)[/i] * [url=]Corelib[/url], [url=]Popup[/url], [url=]Keymenu[/url] from Mattie Eventscripts * [url=]Auth Interface[/url] from Mattie EventScripts [b][size=18]Installation:[/size][/b] * Unpack the zip-file into your cstrike folder and upload the files * Review the config settings in [i]addons/eventscripts/surf_tracker/es_surf_tracker.txt[/i] and tweak * Load an Auth Interface Provider inside [b]autoexec.cfg[/b]. For example: [code]es_load examples/auth/basic_auth es_set BASIC_AUTH_ADMIN_LIST "STEAM_ID_LAN;STEAM_0:0:571273;STEAM_0:0:7103742;"[/code] * Add this to your [b]autoexec.cfg[/b] (after Auth): [code]es_load surf_tracker[/code] * Restart your server [b][size=18]Videos:[/size][/b] * Playing: * How-To: [b][size=18]License:[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Have Fun :) Greets Hunter

Version Notes For 1.3

Updated on: 2007-07-12 10:27:18 EST by [NATO]Hunter (View Zip Contents)
First upload to the Addon Manager

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