Addons by Tag

The bomb will be dropped if the player who has the bomb is afk

AFK Bombdrop Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-06-18 05:00:05
Downloads: 6426

by mag
Ce script vous permettra en tapant !givemenu dans le tchat d'accéder à un menu comportant ces 2 commandes : Celle de vie et celle de l'armure.

give Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-04-30 13:07:57
Downloads: 6314

Allows a player to drop their defusal kit by typing !dropkit, usefull for DnD/WCS mods (where players are invisible).

Dropkit Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-10-30 15:27:47
Downloads: 8072

by westham
allow player to drop knife and nades

AdvancedDrop Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-11-09 17:43:55
Downloads: 2972

by stabby
Dissolve weapons with a cool effect when a player dies or drops his weapon.

weapondissolver Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2010-01-15 02:22:33
Downloads: 2925

[OB] NoDropBombe SX.Mod v1.0 Screenshot
by sioux
Empecher les Terroristes(vivant) de jeter la bombe(c4) et indiquer au Terroriste qui est le porteur ou nouveau porteur de la bombe.

[OB] NoDropBombe SX.Mod v1.0 Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2012-03-08 08:37:55
Downloads: 5918

Dropped Health Screenshot
This addon drops a healthkit whenever a player dies at the death location. By touching it the healthkit disappears and gives this player a specified amount of health.

Dropped Health Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2013-12-30 19:25:20
Downloads: 12236

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