Approved Addons

SourceRPG Screenshot
Classic RPG mod in Python with 18 skills! All fully customizable from the server console! EventScript's alternative to CSS:RPG.

SourceRPG Details Version: 2.1.063
Updated:2010-08-07 13:39:58
Downloads: 109368

GunGame 4 Screenshot
A leveling mod for Counter Strike Source

GunGame 4 Details Version: 4.0.96 RC1
Updated:2007-08-26 19:22:40
Downloads: 140895

GunGame5 Screenshot
Led by: XE_ManUp
Collaborators: RideGuy Warren
A leveling mod for Counter-Strike: Source

GunGame5 Details Version: 5.0.586
Updated:2010-06-21 10:12:04
Downloads: 93333

IPToCountry Screenshot
Resolves IP addresses to name of the originating country. Requires only ES 2.0+

IPToCountry Details Version: 3
Updated:2010-12-02 21:46:46
Downloads: 55170

Super Admin Screenshot
by snake38
Nouvelle version du célèbre script d'admin [French/English]

Super Admin Details Version: 5.5
Updated:2009-04-18 10:35:06
Downloads: 98311

by MegaMan
Anti-cheat permettant de punir l'utilisation de certains types de cheats.

DeToCs Anti-cheat Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-04-28 06:07:58
Downloads: 46208

ExtendedEvents Screenshot
Led by: SuperDave
Collaborators: EmbouT ojii
Allows easy creation of custom events. Requires only ES

ExtendedEvents Details Version: 4
Updated:2008-08-25 21:43:40
Downloads: 18643

by bonbon
Server controll for hosties servers, including last requests, anti non rebel kill, rebel announce and more!

hosties Details Version: who cares
Updated:2012-03-29 13:32:17
Downloads: 188038

Annonce, en direct, les dommages causés.

Show-Damage Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2010-04-16 19:51:49
Downloads: 38671

WCS:Python Screenshot
Led by: Jeff91
Collaborators: freddukes
Classic, Fully Customizable, WarCraft:Source Mod. Rewritten in python for speed and functionality.

WCS:Python Details Version: 0.8.7a
Updated:2008-10-04 09:27:51
Downloads: 90515

by bonbon
Lets admins make disco on map point (lasers, colored fog, songs, spinning disco ball)

disco Details Version: 3.0.1b
Updated:2010-02-14 22:30:16
Downloads: 60780

BBank Screenshot
by bonbon
A re-write of the origional bank by I don't know who with lots more features! (5+)

BBank Details Version: 2.0.6d
Updated:2010-05-04 21:04:46
Downloads: 164375

GunGame51 Screenshot
Led by: Warren
Collaborators: XE_ManUp monday 101satoon101
GunGame5.1: A leveling mod for Counter-Strike: Source

GunGame51 Details Version: 5.1.630
Updated:2012-04-01 18:17:03
Downloads: 184881

Schubaal's KnifeP3N *KnifeP3N 5 released!* Screenshot
originally by P3N

Schubaal's KnifeP3N *KnifeP3N 5 released!* Details Version: 5.1.0
Updated:2010-02-28 13:31:19
Downloads: 77192

Addon Manager Screenshot
by DanielB
Administration of ES plugins!

Addon Manager Details Version: 2.4.4
Updated:2012-06-04 21:24:59
Downloads: 61316

StickyNades Screenshot
Makes grenades stick to walls and players, and follow them while stuck.

StickyNades Details Version: 2.2a
Updated:2008-08-27 11:07:20
Downloads: 49914

a NEW type of zombie mod.

Zombie Gamemode Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2009-08-30 14:55:11
Downloads: 9381

Ratemap allows you to rate your favourite maps.

RateMap Details Version: 2.0R3
Updated:2008-07-02 16:31:12
Downloads: 41864

Quake Sounds Screenshot
Fully customizable Quake Sounds

Quake Sounds Details Version: 4.0.6
Updated:2009-01-02 11:39:17
Downloads: 66794

HighNoon Screenshot
Changes the brightness of each map based on the time the map started. Can simulate multiple 24-hours cycles in a single day. Requires only ES

HighNoon Details Version: 2
Updated:2009-06-28 20:40:31
Downloads: 18357

Deathmatch - Includes Auto-Spawn, Guns Menu, RagDoll removal, Dissolver, Spawnpoints and noblock - All customisable via config

SIC-DEATHMATCH Details Version: 4.3
Updated:2010-08-03 08:14:52
Downloads: 85703

Est Admin Menu

est_admin Details Version: 2.4
Updated:2010-06-16 07:46:14
Downloads: 29047

RCON LOCK Screenshot
RCON LOCK provides security features to stop ANYBODY changing your rcon password. It cannot be unloaded, and will make sure 100% that your RCON_PASSWORD is never changed.

RCON LOCK Details Version: 1.5.1
Updated:2009-06-04 15:57:38
Downloads: 16509

ExceptHook Screenshot
Allows authors and addon users to easily see errors generated by Python addons, having the potential to help fix broken addon functionality. Requires only ES

ExceptHook Details Version: 3
Updated:2011-08-21 19:53:11
Downloads: 10492

Make-Your-Own Achievements Screenshot
Provides an easy way to add your own achievements by EventScripts.

Make-Your-Own Achievements Details Version: v3.0.0 RC2
Updated:2009-11-29 07:04:58
Downloads: 42563

AssistedKills Screenshot
Fires a custom event when a player kills an opponent but did not cause the most damage to that opponent. Also fires when a player kills a blinded opponent but did not throw the flashbang. Requires only ES 2.0+

AssistedKills Details Version: 4
Updated:2008-04-19 03:27:50
Downloads: 14987

Plays music that changes with game events. Requires only ES 2.0+

CSSoundtrack Details Version: 7
Updated:2007-12-17 02:11:07
Downloads: 13876

Laser Letters Screenshot
by bonbon
An addon that lets you write in lasers!

Laser Letters Details Version: 1.9
Updated:2008-06-12 18:51:05
Downloads: 25131

Change View Model and World Model and Player Model for any player(s)

Model Changer Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2010-01-09 19:41:48
Downloads: 17706

Zombie Horror 2.0 Screenshot
by bonbon
Battle your way through hordes of zombies. 7 default zombie models and over 20 sounds with no downloads!

Zombie Horror 2.0 Details Version: 1.1.6b
Updated:2009-05-03 14:42:12
Downloads: 117276

Surplus de sang, décapitations, explosions, carbonisation, etc.

GoreMod (BROKE!) Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2010-04-16 19:22:43
Downloads: 11046

SCTF -Capture The Flag- Screenshot
by sn4k3
Original 'Capture The Flag' With Classes For CSS!!!

SCTF -Capture The Flag- Details Version: v2.0
Updated:2009-11-28 12:19:37
Downloads: 14056

ReadRules Screenshot
by Anomaly
Forces players to agree to rules before able to play on the server.

ReadRules Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2010-04-11 09:19:47
Downloads: 19675

cC Team Balancer Screenshot
Advanced team balancer: forecasts team strengths and calculates the best possible player move or swap to equalize team skill

cC Team Balancer Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-11-29 19:51:00
Downloads: 27619

SourceMessagingService Screenshot
Sends SMS text message alerts to the cell phones of server admins. Requires ES 2.1+ and ThreadPool

SourceMessagingService Details Version: 2
Updated:2011-06-19 13:04:34
Downloads: 7121

Since a lot of my friends had problems with Super Admin since the Orange Box update, I chose to update it into ESP. It is kinda a remake of Super Admin, but has a few more functions!

SAC: Super Admin CheeTaH Details Version: 3.1
Updated:2015-12-20 11:50:14
Downloads: 44978

Allow bots to look real on your server.

Real Bots Details Version: 1.1.0a
Updated:2009-01-26 16:17:40
Downloads: 18387

-by- Admin Screenshot
This is an very unique admin system, that uses env_smokestacks and more in very interesting ways. A video of the addon in action has been added to the description.

-by- Admin Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2010-07-25 21:53:11
Downloads: 27780

Skin Chooser Screenshot
Choose custom skins

Skin Chooser Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2008-12-30 16:21:20
Downloads: 24992

Unreal Tournament style Translocators for Source!

Translocators Details Version: 1.16
Updated:2007-07-12 06:45:06
Downloads: 6597

Anti HLSS/HLDJ Screenshot
by bonbon
Stop annoying HLSS/HLDJ sounds on your server!

Anti HLSS/HLDJ Details Version: 1.1b
Updated:2010-03-05 10:21:34
Downloads: 22250

Exploit_Coverup Screenshot
Led by: bytethegroove
Collaborators: sicman_adrian
This addon blocks known commands to crash a server, or hack rcon password

Exploit_Coverup Details Version: 2.1
Updated:2010-07-30 23:31:22
Downloads: 24073

Ourserver Release 2.5 English/German Updated 12.05.2009 Screenshot
by uedi
Ourserver let your People on your Server, by typing !server, connect on your other Server ( Up to 7 Servers )

Ourserver Release 2.5 English/German Updated 12.05.2009 Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2009-05-21 03:25:35
Downloads: 16234

ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German Screenshot
by uedi
ServerJumper let your People on your Server, by typing !server, connect on your other Server (Up to 7 Servers), and now they can choose an Server, when they joined to a Reserve Slot

ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-05-21 03:24:32
Downloads: 13022

World of Darkness Screenshot
by Jeff91
Creates a World of Darkness style RPG Mod for CSS

World of Darkness Details Version: Final
Updated:2008-12-10 21:48:02
Downloads: 62511

Bombsite Limiter Screenshot
by Warren
Limits the terrorist team to plant at only 1 default bombsite when there are a certain number of Counter-Terrorists or less.

Bombsite Limiter Details Version: 1.0.5
Updated:2008-07-14 21:01:32
Downloads: 40547

Simule l'effet d'un parachute.

Parachute Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-05-10 20:20:31
Downloads: 17359

Provides an event fired when a player press/unpress some keys. Requires only EventScripts OrangeBox v2.1.1.338+ and Source Python Extensions v1.5.0f r83+!

Client KeyPress (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.6
Updated:2011-12-01 17:08:03
Downloads: 16427

SPB -PaintBall- Screenshot
by sn4k3
PaintBall Effects!

SPB -PaintBall- Details Version: v2.1
Updated:2008-08-28 20:28:54
Downloads: 24514

Restricts players or teams from weapons. Only ES 2.1+

EZRestrict Details Version: 8
Updated:2011-06-04 23:01:59
Downloads: 18633

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