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Onslaught Mod - Version Beta_1.1.0c

posted on 2007-10-02 12:41:58
by CrAzD



Onslaught Mod A Counter-Strike Source Mod The basis of the mod is, Defenders (CT's) and Attackers (T's) is the same as normal CSS. The difference is now there are classes invloved. The Defenders have no Respawns but have Better Weapons and Better Stats. The Attackers are A LOT Weaker in comparison, But they have unlimited Respawns and few extra bonus's xD. There is also a VIP Mod that can be Enabled. This is somewhat similar to other VIP Mod's. In my version however. The VIP must just be protected. Where? Anywhere on the map. The Attackers are made to kill the VIP while the Defenders obviously Defend. There is no escape zone/route. Defenders just need to protect the VIP in the alloted Time. As of right now. There are [4] Supported Classes. These classes are FULLY Customizable. There is also a Class Chooser. There are [2] Modes for Choosing Classes. 1: Random Selection - When players spawn, they are randomly given a class. Its different for each spawn. Very simple. 2: Menu Selection - When enabled, Players have access to a Menu where they can choose what class they want to be for both teams. These are saved on the server in a database. But if they do not have a class selected and saved into the database then they will be randomly given a class on each spawn. Thx JGCmember for requesting the Mod xD Thx to myself for Making it xO Enjoy!!

Version Notes For Beta_1.1.0c

Updated on: 2007-10-03 19:13:54 EST by CrAzD (View Zip Contents)
|| Beta_1.1.0c || *Fixed -Typos -Text Color Errors -VIP Selection Error -Vip Announcer Errors -Invisibility Bugs -Mole model Bugs -Round start was running things that map_start should have been (which causeed a lot of spam/lag) -Map start running things it shouldn't be -A number of other minor bugs *Changed -VIP NOW ONLY COMES FROM CT's -Default Class Setup (Default settings are setup for VIP) -How the VIP is Selected -Text Advertisments *Added -Configs for Enable/Disable/Timer for a few things -VIP Announcer -Round Freezer after the VIP is Dead || Beta_1.0.8 || *Changed -Removed Custom Model (for now atleast) -VIP to an Orange Color instead of changing the Model -VIP now Comes from both Teams. || Beta_1.0.7a || *Fixed -Model causing Crash at Server Startup || Beta_1.0.7 || *Added -Random Class Chooser - OPTION (disables menu) -VIP Mod ( Defenders MUST protect the VIP || Attackers MUST kill the VIP ) -VIP Models -Rewrote some Code || Beta_1.0.4 || *Fixed -Menu Name Bugs -Ammo Bug -Invisibility Bug *-Redid the Default Class Settings || Beta_1.0.3 || *Fixed -Typo's -Grammatical Errors -Some Menu Bugs || Beta_1.0.0 || *Added -Menu Class Chooser/Info -Say commands !onslaught/!class/!info -4 Classes for each Team -Health/Speed/Primary Wpn|Ammo/Secondary Wpn|Ammo/Knife/HE/Flash/Smoke/Mole/Invisibility Options for each Class -Database | Run/Saved/Loaded with the Database -Adverting w/ Timer -Dead Body and Idle Weapons Remover w/ Timer -FULLY Customizable

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