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referee - Version 1.5

posted on 2010-05-25 04:29:24
by overd0se

Requires: requires EXTENDEDEVENTS!


[b]requires EXTENDEDEVENTS (set to 5 ticks works good)![/b] measures in-game player ground speed/jump speed and reports anomalies in console. Autmatically slows down bhoppers and speedcheaters (you may set maxspeed and anti-bhop-strength in the python file. default setting is very strict). measurement methods: 1. valve velocity flag 2. vector-based other features: anti-bhop function

Version Notes For 1.5

Updated on: 2010-06-29 16:30:24 EST by overd0se
v1.5 CHANGELOG: - massivley reduced bogus output - improved bhop intervention - improved testing hud - jump length measurement removed, because bhop intervention makes too long jumps impossible [b]requires EXTENDEDEVENTS![/b]

( Previous Versions )