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stabbyprops - Version 0.5b

posted on 2010-01-24 15:51:08
by stabby


Allows your admins or players to spawn your favorite zombiemod props through a menu after they type a command in chat. included credit system and now (0.2) very easily configurable. Now maximum of 9 props in the menu. [b]New in 0.5:[/b] alternative credits mode allows players to buy props with their cash. Best propmenu for zombiemod. [color=#0040FF][b]Features[/color][/b] - Admin only or for all players mode. - Credit system option: give players credits on connect/spawn/kill/roundstart - Show advertisements. - Restrict for teams. - Easily change the props in the menu. [color=#0040FF][b]NOTE:[/color] The default method to spawn props pm_method1, cannot spawn all of the default props. If your server can run ESTOOLS i recommend installing that and setting pm_method to 2. [/b]


- Download the zip file. - Extract the archive. - change stabbyprops settings by editing settings.cfg - change prop settings by editing es_proplist_db.txt. - Put the file on your server in: upload the extracted addon folder to your gameserver's cstrike directory. - Add to your autoexec.cfg: es_xload stabbyprops - Restart the server (or load via RCON) [color=#0040FF][b]NOTE:[/b][/color] If u want to use the admin only option you will need to add to your autoexec.cfg: es_xload examples/auth/basic_auth [b]Make sure to add it above es_xload stabbyprops![/b] [b][color=#0040FF]Instructions on editing props:[/color][/b] - You can add/remove props by editing the file es_proplist_db.txt each prop is identified by its identifier name and between the brackets are its properties. like: [quote] "prop1" { "Name" "Vending Machine" "Model" "props/cs_office/vending_machine.mdl" "Credits" "2" }[/quote] NOTE: Be sure the identifier of each prop is called prop followed by its number in the list, or it wont work ie prop1 prop2 etc..

Version Notes For 0.5b

Updated on: 2010-04-26 10:02:53 EST by stabby (View Zip Contents)

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